Hawzah News Agency- Ayatollah Seyed Najmul Hasan Rizvi Kararvi was born in 1918 (1337 AH) in Karari, a suburb of Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh, northern India. His father was Syed Faiz Muhammad Rizvi.
He completed his elementary education in Karari and then, in 1927, went to the Nazimiyyah School in Lucknow, where he studied for three years. Following this, he attended Sultan ul-Madaris School, earning the degree of Sadr ulafazil in 1938. He then continued his studies at Madrasah al-Waizeen.
Esteemed scholars who influenced his education
Among those he studied under were Ayatollah Syed Najmul Hasan Rizvi Amrohi, Ayatollah Syed Nasir Hussain Mousavi Kintoori, Allama Zuhur Hussain, Maulana Syed bin Hasan, and Maulana Syed Alam Hussain.
His contributions to Islam
This Indian scholar made significant contributions to Islam, including the following:
- On January 17, 1941, in Karari (a suburb of Allahabad), he established a school named "Amjadiyah," which is active till today.
- In 1943, he became the manager of the monthly magazine of Al-Wa’ez.
- During the partition of India, he traveled to Peshawar, where he engaged in religious services.
- In 1948, the Shiite Scholars Council was founded in Peshawar, and Allama Kararvi was appointed as its head.
- In 1950, he organized a seven-day event called Shihab Thaqib, which is still held today.
- In 1974, the Pakistan Council was established, and Allama Najmul Hasan became its pillar, holding this position for three years.
Being a skilled writer, Ayatollah Najmul Hasan has authored numerous books, including Fourteen Stars, Better Stars, The History of Islam, Dhikr Al-Abbas, Mukhtar Al Muhammad, Ruh Al-Quran, Al-Ghaffari, Nas-e Khilafat.
This Indian scholar departed this life in Ramadan 1402 AH (1982 CE), and his pure body was laid to rest in Peshawar.
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